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Our work has borne fruit: February 2019 Madrid launches the Children’s Stroke Code

On May 3, 2016, Dr. Mónica García, Member of Parliament for Podemos, presented in the Madrid Assembly the NLP that we had drafted on the children’s stroke code. Dr. Pedro de Castro, neuropediatrician at the Gregório Marañón Hospital, presented information on the scientific evidence of children’s stroke to the Health Commission. Following a compromise amendment, […]

Judgment no. 18/2019 of 17 January of the Social Court no. 2 of Madrid which recognises the right of the parent to continue receiving Social Security benefits when the minor reaches the age of 18 (RD 1148/2011, of 12 July of economic benefit for the care of minors affected by cancer or another serious illness).

Judgment no. 18/2019 of 17 January of the Social Court no. 2 of Madrid sets a very important precedent considering that, even though the child was 18 years old, the circumstances that made that person receive care continue to be maintained, thus extending the right of the parent to continue receiving the economic benefit.

On July 1, 2019 we signed a collaboration agreement with Sport for DCA so that children with brain injury can practice adapted sport. SWIMMING ACTIVITY

SWIMMING ACTIVITY We propose an activity in which each athlete performs different swimming exercises which are adapted to their capacities, their evolutionary moment and to varying goals agreed upon together with a team of professionals for each user. If the chosen sport is swimming, a fundamental requirement is being able to keep afloat and that […]

The Spanish Ombudsman presents before the Spanish Parliament a report on child acquired brain injury.

19th september 2019 The Institution recommends the development of a national socio-health strategy for acquired brain injury, including a section specifically dedicated to child acquired brain injury. Many shortcomings identified in the report published in 2006 still exist. The Ombudsman recommends establishing an identification and registration code for the DCA for the entire National Health […]